DATE OF BIRTH: 3.05.1972, PLACE OF BIRTH: Bistrita, Romania
ADRESS: Soseaua Kiseleff, Nr.51, Ap.2, Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania
TELEPHONE: 0040 744 200 350, E-MAIL: mirela_traistaru@yahoo.com
WEBB SITE: www.mirelatraistaru.ro
PROFESSION: Painter, Member of the Union of Professional Artists since 1998
1998-1999 “Nicolae Grigorescu” Art University, Bucharest, Master Degree in painting
1991-1997 “Ioan Andreescu” Academy of Fine Arts, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
1987-1991 “Romulus Ladea” Fine Arts School, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
2015-Romanian Cultural Institut New York-U.S.A.
2015-add to address book-Muzeul Taranului Roman –Bucharest
2014-Diary- European art gallery-Bucharest
2014 “add to address bock”-MOYA- Viena – Austria
2014 “add to address boock”,Museum(Muzeul Taranului Roman) Bucharest
2013 Art your self Gallery,Bucharest
2013 Art Event, Gallery Maison Maitress, Cluj-Napoca
2012 Expo Schloss Aalborg, Denmark
2012 -2x20 - 030202 Gallery, Bucharest
2012 -2x20 - Sarroglia, Bucharest
2011 Expo Sarroglia, Bucharest
2011 Expo Gallery Covalenco, Geldrop, Holland
2011 Flowers and florists, Museum (Muzeul Taranului Roman) Bucharest
2010 Art Event, Gallery Maison Maitress, Cluj-Napoca
2010 Expo Novotel, Bucharest
2010 Art Event, National Opera House (Opera Romana), Bucharest
2010 Gallery Joana Durig, Schwanden, Switzerland
2010 MSM Group, Winterthur, Switzerland
2009 Gallery Vernescu House, Bucharest
2009 Expo Art Museum, Sangeorz-Bai, Bistita
2008 Grigore Mora Art Gallery, Bucharest
2008 Veroniki Art Gallery, Bucharest
2007 Espazio Aperto, Bellinzona, Switzerland
206- RED- Gold Art Gallery Bucharest
2006 Expo Gallery Café del Sol, Sibiu
2005 UAP Gallery (Uniunea Artistilor Plasici), Bistrita
2005 MIRAcoL, Grigore Mora Art Gallery, Bucharest
2005 Paradise, Anaid Art Gallery, Bucharest
2004 Expo, Seul, South Korea
2002 Expo, New Delhi, Madras, Bangalore, Chandigarh, Pondicherry, Calcutta, India
2002 Expo, Rotary Club Washington, U.S.A.
2002 UAP Gallery (Uniunea Artistilor Plasici), Hanul cu Tei, Bucharest
2001 No Flash, Opera House, Cairo, Egypt
2001 659 Hours, World Trade Center, Bucharest
2000 Happy Gardens, World Trade Center, Bucharest
2000 Happy Gardens, Cervantes Institute, Bucharest
2000 Happy Gardens, Le Club, WT Village, Bucharest
1999 Expo Sofitel, Bucharest
1999 Ritual Terminus 2000, Bancorex Gallery, Bucharest
1999 The Rainbow, Art Gallery, Bistrita
1998 The Rainbow, Diesel Club, Cluj Napoca
1997 Gijzenrooi Gallery, Geldrop, Holland
1997 Graphics, Cluj Napoca
1995 Expo, Bistrita
2016- Cathedrale Gallery- Friburg, Switzerland
2015- Romanian Cultural Institut Gallery- New York- U.S.A.
2015- West meet East- Gallery Bucharest
2015- Cathedrale Gallery- Friburg, Switzerland
2015- UAP Arte in Bucuresti- Omul impotriva vietii-Simeza Galerry-Bucharest
2015- EBIAB- International book art biennale – Gallery-Bucharest
2015- Artsafari faire-Bucharest
2015-Red- Gallery-Bucharest
2014-EBIAB-International book biennale- Moscova- Russia
2014- UAP exchibition- Orizont Gallery- Bucharest
2014- UAP Arte in Bucuresti - 4 edition Caminul Artei Gallery
2014- Artsafari Faire-Bucharest
2014- Crida’r -Roujan-France
2014-d.fleiss & east-west artists- City Museum Castle- Carei
2013-Black and White- Four Gallery- Bucharest
2013-d.fleiss & east-west artists –Marrakesh -Morocco
2013- EIBAB- European international book art biennale- ISLIP-Art Museum –New York- USA
2012- d.fleiss & east-west artists –BIOS Nationalpark Museum- Mallnitz- Austria
2012- Arte in Bucuresti – third edition Caminul Artei Gallery
2011 International Exhibition of Modern Art, Qinhuangdao, China
2011 International Exhibition, Ghersawiu, Bulgaria
2011 U.A.P. Gallery, Baia-Mare
2011 Perceptio-Iconique class studio &030202Gallery, Bucharest
2011 Pour fame-D'arc, Bucharest
2010 EIBAB- European international book art biennale,Art Museum –Satul Mare
2010 Detaliile...Iconique, Bucharest
2010 Detaliile...Maison Maitress, Cluj-Napoca
2010 4 generatii... Capital Plaza Hotel, Bucharest
2010 DFEWA-Toto-Selo, Serbia
2010 Drianovo, Bulgaria
2010 Athena, Greece
2010 Aniane, France
2010 Apollo Art Gallery, Bucharest
2010 Art House, Bucharest
2009 DFEWA -Art Museum, Satu Mare
2009 Vernescu House, Bucharest
2009 Art House, Bucharest
2008 Sutu Palace, Bucharest
2008 Beijing Art Biennale, China
2007 H`Art Gallery, Bucharest
2007 MNAC - Rehau Gala (auction Sotheby`s), Bucharest
2007 Arte e Arta Foundation, Bucharest
2007 Rehau Art Campus, Avrig, Sibiu
2007 European Bridges (Creative Women Asociation), Constanta
2007 Anixis Gallery, Baden, Switzerland
2007 Stompan, Bistrita
2006 RomHotel - Arte & Arta Foundation, Bucharest
2006 Golf, Lugano, Switzerland
2006 Expo – Queen Mary`s Palace, Balkic, Bulgaria
2006 Stompan - UAP Gallery, Bistrita
2005 National Painting Contest- Arte & Arta Foundation, Bucharest
2005 Expo Painting-Gheldrop, Holland
2005 Expo Painting, Seoul, Korea
2004 Expo Painting, Seoul, Korea
2004 Art Fair – WTC, Bucharest
2004 UAP Painting Saloons – Artis Gallery, Bucharest
2004 Expo Painting – Grigore Mora Gallery, Bucharest
2003 Art Biennal, Cairo, Egypt
2003 Painting Municipal Saloon, Caminul Artei, Bucharest
2003 Expo Painting Svecen, Yugoslavia
2003 Moldavian Saloons, Bacau, Chisinau
2003 Art Fair –WTC, Bucharest
2002 International Art Fair, Bucharest
2002 Apollo Gallery, Bucharest
2002 Art Fair- WTC, Bucharest
2001 International Art Fair, Bucharest
2001 International Exhibition, NoviSad, Yugoslavia
2001 UAP Gallery, Bistrita
2001 Sadco, Literature Museum, Bucharest
2000 International Art Fair, Bucharest
2000 Art Fair –WTC, Bucharest
1999 “Requiem for a Bloddy Christmas”, CEC Pallace, Bucharest
1999 Master 99, Bistrita Gallery, Bistrita
1999 Tempo Foundation, Bucharest
1999 The 29th Painting contest, Izmir, Turkey
1999 The Annual Exhibition of the Artists in Bistrita
1998 GATA – The exhibition of the graduated students from Cluj
1998 The National Festival of Art Film, Calarasi
1997 The Biennial Graphics exhibition, Arad
1997 GATA- The Exhibition of the graduated students, Bucharest
1996 The Exhibition of the students from “I.Andreescu” Academy, Nantes, France
1996 “70 Years of Academy”, Cluj
1995 Student Festival, Timisoara
1995 Brabant’s Days, Geldrop, Holland
1994 “Art For Who?”, Cluj
2015-New York Contemporary Art Simposium (NYCAS)- U.S.A.
2014- Artforest No limit- Sangeorz-Bai- Romania
2014- Crida’r - Roujan -France
2013-d.fleiss & east-west artists –Marrakesh –Morocco
2012- DFEWA –Mallnitz – Austria
2011– International Exhibition of Modern Art- Qinhuangdao-China
2011– International Art Campus-Ghesawiu- Bulgaria
2010 – Totovo-Selo-Serbia
2010 – Hucisko-Polonia
2010 – Drianovo-Bulgaria
2010 – Atena-Grecia
2010 – Aniane – France
2010 – DFEWA – Carei
2009 – DFEWA – Carei
2008 – International Painting Camp – Eforie Nord
2008 – Arte-e-Arta , Balkic - Bulgaria
2007 – Rehau Art Campus – Avrig - Sibiu
2007 – International Painting Camp – Eforie Sud
2006 – International Painting Camp – Balkic - Bulgaria
2003 – International Painting Camp, Kosovo, Serbia
2002 – Painting Camp, Colibita, Bistrita
2013- Mignion Theatre Bucharest - scenography for “vorbe, vorbe…” director Delia Nartea
2011 – The Comedy Theater Bucharest – costumes for“Invata-ma...te rog Celine”
2007 – Nottara Theater, G. Ciprian Theater and Cultural Asociation 7 – scenography for “Katie si hipopotamul” by Mario Varga Llosa, director Ion Mircioaga
2005 – G. Ciprian” Theater, Buzau – scenography for
“Steaua fara nume” by Mihail Sebastian, director Anca Colteanu
2004 – 7 Thetre Company, The Comedy Theatre Bucharest – scenography for
“De…mers in pustiu” by Dumitru Solomon
2003 – Daya Theatre Company – costumes for
“Un Spectacol de Teatru” by Corneliu Manea, director Chris Simion.
2003 – The Nottata Theater Bucharest – costumes for
“Jocul dragostei si al mortii” by Romain Rolland, director Lucian Giurchescu
2002 – The National Theatre in Bucharest – costume painting for
“Amantii insangerati”, director Alexandru Tocilescu
2002 – The Comedy Theatre Bucharest – stage designer’s assistant for
“Bani din cer”, director Horatiu Malaiele.
2001 – The Nottara Theater- paintings and costumes for
“No Flash”, director Chris Simion
2001 – Cassandra Studio, Bucharest – stage designer of
“D’ale Carnavalului” de I.L. Caragiale, director Gelu Colceag.
2001 – The Jewish Theater, Bucharest-stage designer of
“Uite tata,nu e tata”,by Arnold and Bach, director Ion Lucian
2000 – The National Theater- costumes for
“Taranul Baron” by Ludvig Holberg, director Lucian Giurchescu.
2000 – Nottara Theater – stage designer for
“Un barbat si mai multe femei”, by Leonid Zorin, director Vasile Toma.
1999 – The Comedy Theater – costumes for
“Trenul” by Marco Tesei, director Raluca Nita.
1999 – The National Theater – stage designer asistent of
“Barrimore” by William Luce, director Gelu Colceag
1999 – Cassandra Studio – stage designing for
“Acul cumetrei Gurton” by Stevenson, director Sanda Manu
1999 – The National Theater – costumes for
“Femeile savante” by Moliere, director Lucian Giurchescu
1996 – The Hungarian State Theater, Cluj Napoca – costume assistant for
“Opereta”, by Witold Gombrowic, director Tompa Gabor
1995 – The Theater Academy in Cluj Napoca – costumes for
“Trolius si Cresida” and “A midsummer’s night dream“
2009 – The International Festival of Experimental Theater, Cairo, Egypt, with Theater 7 Company, “ The dream” play
2004 – The International Festival of Experimental Theater, Cairo, Egypt, with Theater 7 Company, “De…mers in pustiu” play
2003 – The International festival of Experimental Theater, Cairo, Egypt, with the Daya Theater Company, the “Un spectacol de teatru” play
2002 – Les jours de la francofonie, New Delhi, Chennay, Ponicherry, Chandigarch, Calcutta, Bangalore – India, with the Daya Theater Company, the “Copilul Divin” play .
2001 – The International Festival of Experimental Theater, Cairo, Egypt, with The Daya Theater Company, The “No Flash” play
2000 – The International Festival of Experimental Theater, Cairo, Egypt, with The Daya Theater Company, The “Calator in noapte” play
2000 – The International Momenti Festival in Perugia, Italy, with The Daya Theater Company
2014 – “add to Address Bock”-short film
1999 – “Epicenter” - Romanian American co-production, stage designer
1999 – “Ritual Terminus 2000”- short film, script, production, stage design, body painting
1998 – “Rusinea Soarelui…”, short film, collaboration with TVR Cluj
1997 – “Noapte Sinzienelor”, short film, collaboration with TVR Cluj
2003 – Studio design for “Nu te supara frate” show, OTV
1999 – studio design for “Sambete si zambete” show, O. Sava, Antena1
1999 – painting for “Chestiunea zilei” show, F.Calinescu, ProTv
2007 – 2008 Artistic consultant –UNATC - Bucharest
1997 – 1998 drawing and painting teacher at “Corneliu Baba” Art School in Bistrita
2001 – wall painting at“Sea Club” Hotel , Sharm el Sheic, Egypt.
2001 – wall painting at “Record” Gym, Cluj Napoca.
2000 – Auto Dacia Pitesti Factory, The Release of “Dacia Super Nova”
2000 – wall painting at S.C.Cristina, Bistrita.
1999 – wall painting at Groupe Societe Generale - BRD, Constanta.
1998 – wall painting at “Dacia” Hotel, Sebes, Alba.
1999 – The Diplomat’s Club at the French Ambassy in Bucharest
1999 – “Magia Modei Show”, Sofitel Hotel, Bucharest
1997 – The Students’Fashion Festival , Timisoara, Romania
1997 – Transilvania Fashion, the 10th Edition , Cluj Napoca
1997 – Transilvania Fashion, The European Cultural Center in Sinaia.
1997 – Miss Universitas, Cluj Napoca.
1996 – Transilvania Fashion, the 9th edition, the Opera Ball, Cluj Napoca.
1996 – Napoca Fashion- Fashion For You, the 4th Edition, Cluj Napoca.
1996 – Napoca Fashion, the 3rd Edition , Cluj Napoca.
1995 – Rocris,National Design Festival,Bistrita.
1995 – Napoca Fashion,the 2nd Edition, Cluj Napoca.
1995 – The National Fashion Designer’s Conference , Cluj Napoca.
1995 – Napoca Festival, The 1st Edition, Cluj Napoca.
1995 – Transilvania Fashion, the 7th Edition, The Opera Ball, Cluj Napoca.
1994 – The Cluj Napoca Airport.
1994 – Miss Universitas, Costinesti.
1994 – The International Fashion Design Festival, Sibiu.
Bucuresti- Hainute dragalase, Flori de ie
2010-detaliile …Iconique classe studio-Bucharest
2011-detaliile…Maison Maitrese- Cluj-Napoca
2011-Pour fame…D’arc gallery- Bucharest
2013-black and White- four Gallery-Bucharest
2015-Red- Gallery- Bucharest
2015- EIBAB-International art bock –DFEVA- Gallery-Bucharest
2015- Anya’s city- Cristian Gaspar- Caminul Artei Gallery - -Bucharest
2015- Nicole Jutka Stoian MTR- Bucharest
2015- East meet East- Gallery –Bucharest
2015- Lucruri marunte- Smaranda Milu- Gallery Bucharest
Switzerland, Holland, France, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Austria, Turkey,
Serbia, Romania, U.S.A., India, Japan, Egypt, South Korea, Bulgaria,Grecia
2015- UAP Painting Prize
2005 – Special Prize of- Arte & Arta Foundation - Bucharest
1999 – Nominee for painting prize at the Art Media Gala, Bistrita.
1999 – Debut prize,”Magia Modei Festival”, Bucuresti.
1998 – Grand Prize of the Jury, The National Art Film Festival, for the film: “Noaptea Sanzienelor”.
1996 – The Trophy of the 4thEdition of The Napoca Fashion.
1996 – First Prize, Napoca Fashion, The 3rd Edition, Cluj Napoca.
1996 – First Prize, Napoca Fashion, The 2nd Edition, Cluj Napoca.
1995 – First Prize, Napoca Fashion. The 1st Edition, Cluj Napoca.
2012- Capital-“ Top 100 cei mai valorosi pictori romani ”